Categories: #binary-exploitation #branding #career #cheatsheets #conferences #favorites #firmware #gxpn #how-to #interviews #linux #misc #personal #programming #reversing #review #sans #security #tutorial #under-the-hood #vim #web #windows #windows-exploit-development #writeups
- Firmware Analysis Notes
- Getting Started with Binary Exploitation
- Rop Emporium callme x64 Writeup
- xd cheatsheet
- x86-64 Register Cheatsheet
- Rop Emporium split x64 Writeup
- Rop Emporium ret2win x64 Writeup
- Three Proven Tips to Stand Out in the Tech Industry
- How to Create Permanent Powershell Aliases
- Tips for Learning Assembly Programming
- How To Make a Stellar LinkedIn Profile for Security Professionals
- How to Differentiate Yourself as a Penetration Tester
- How to Find Logged In Users on Windows
- Windows Exploit Development Part 2: Structured Exception Handler (SEH) Overflow
- Windows SEH Overflow Tutorial (archived)
- Install PyKD in WinDbg
- Interview with a TryHackMe Developer - Muirland Oracle
- Windows Exploit Development Part 1: Buffer Overflow
- Windows Exploit Development Part 0: Series Introduction
- Course Review - SANS Advanced Penetration Testing, Exploit Writing, and Ethical Hacking (SEC660/GXPN)
- Display IP addresses in tmux
- TryHackMe: Ninja Skills Writeup
- vim is my spell checker
- TryHackMe: Tony the Tiger Writeup
- TryHackMe: Tomghost Writeup
- TryHackMe: Linux Server Forensics Writeup
- TryHackMe: Investigating Windows Writeup
- Website Birthday
- Content creators I enjoy
- TryHackMe: Year of the Rabbit Writeup
- TryHackMe: Reversing ELF Writeup
- Hacker101 CTF: Micro-CMS v1 Writeup
- cat is the best text editor
- TryHackMe: Wgel Writeup
- TryHackMe: Startup Writeup
- TryHackMe: Wonderland Writeup
- DCTF 2021
- How to Hide Nginx Version Information
- HackTheBox: Bashed Writeup
- HackTheBox: Optimim Writeup
- HackTheBox: Jerry Writeup
- HackTheBox: Nibbles Writeup
- HackTheBox: Blocky Writeup
- HackTheBox: Legacy Writeup
- HackTheBox: Lame Writeup
- My eJPT Experience
- TryHackMe: RootMe Writeup
- TryHackMe: 0day Writeup
- Automate Host Discovery and Enumeration
- NahamCon 2021
- man man
- Program a PHP Web Shell
- picoCTF 2019 - dont-use-client-side
- picoCTF 2019 - Insp3ct0r writeup
- Notes on Hard Drive File Deletion
- Excuses for Not Blogging
- 2020 Year in Review
- get-ip: a tool to print an interface's IP
- picoCTF 2019 - extensions writeup
- picoCTF 2019 - So Meta writeup
- picoCTF - asm4 writeup
- picoCTF - asm3 writeup
- picoCTF - asm2 writeup
- picoCTF - asm1 writeup
- TryHackMe: Gaming Server Writeup
- Switching to Hugo
- picoCTF 2019 - la cifra de writeup
- picoCTF 2019 - Mr-Worldwide writeup
- picoCTF 2019 - NewOverFlow-1 writeup
- picoCTF 2019 - slippery-shellcode writeup
- picoCTF 2019 - OverFlow 1 writeup
- picoCTF 2019 - handy-shellcode writeup
- picoCTF 2019 - OverFlow 0 writeup
- Explanation of the Unix File System Hierarchy
- OverTheWire: Bandit Writeup
- How To Perform Linux Privilege Escalation
- Initial Thoughts on the Go Programming Language
- Announcing my first Python package, "three"!
- IOLI Crackme Writeup (in-progress)
- Using CSS to hide WordPress homepage excerpts
- How to Stabilize a Reverse Shell
- Why I switched from VirtualBox to WSL 2
- PowerShell versus Linux Pipes
- TryHackMe: Reverse Engineering Room Writeup
- OverTheWire: Leviathan Writeup
- Nebula Level02 Write Up
- Nebula Level01 Write Up
- Nebula Level00 Write Up
- The Memory Hierarchy Explained with Pizza
- Hello World in 8 Programming Languages