Jason Turley's Website

picoCTF 2019 - Mr-Worldwide writeup


A musician left us a message. What’s it mean?

Category: Cryptography

Points: 200


For this challenge we are given a message.txt file containing a list of coordinates. When entering them into Google Maps we are given the name and location of a city.


Using this information, we can piece together the flag by taking the first letter of each city and putting them into the picoCTF{} format.

(35.028309, 135.753082)  [K]yoto
(46.469391, 30.740883)   [O]desa
(39.758949, -84.191605)  [D]ayton
(41.015137, 28.979530)   [I]nstanbul
(24.466667, 54.366669)   [A]bu Dhabi
(3.140853, 101.693207)   [K]uala Lumpur
(9.005401, 38.763611)    [A]ddis Ababa
(-3.989038, -79.203560)  [L]oja
(52.377956, 4.897070)    [A]msterdam
(41.085651, -73.858467)  [S]leepy Hallow
(57.790001, -152.407227) [K]odiak
(31.205753, 29.924526)   [A]lexandria

The flag is picoCTF{KODIAK_ALASKA}
